Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. I mean, no (giggle), not thank you for this day. Thanks for this THANKSGIVING day. Thank you for the FAT TURKEY. Thank that we could watch Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
That pretty much sums it up. :) Here are a few pics from our Thanksgiving Day:
Today was a landmark for our family. It was our first Thanksgiving alone. Not our first Thanksgiving without extended family, but our first Thanksgiving with just us, and it was wonderful, especially as we have so much to be thankful for! Emery is four weeks old today. A few days ago, I walked into the living room just as Emery was waking. In a few minutes, she was surrounded by three boys and myself all making silly faces and wishing her a good morning. It is wonderful to see how much the boys love her!
Holidays have become more fun because Isaac and Ashton are starting to really 'get' holidays and tradition. The boys have spent the past several days singing morbid songs about how awful it is to be a turkey in November and just about peed their pants when we pulled the turkey out of the oven. Isaac, of course, had to analyze the anatomy of the turkey and give us a survey of which parts had been removed and what was present in each layer as Aukai cut the turkey.
I did learn, one big reason why people do Thanksgiving in groups; it means they don't have to cook as much! Considering we have a new baby, the kids were off school yesterday and Aukai spent about 14 hours yesterday working on the upstairs, Thanksgiving dinner was quite the feat. So, I have to brag for a moment. Here is a glimpse of our Thanksgiving feast:
-Honey brined turkey - for those of you in Rochester, yes this is Wegman's recipe :)
-Homemade cranberry sauce
-Stovetop stuffing (hey, you have to cut corners somewhere)
-Mandarin salad with homemade dressing
-Cranberry fluff fruit salad
-Mashed potatoes and gravy
-Baked sweet potatoes
-Homemade pumpkin pie (made from freshly roasted pumpkin)
-Sparkling grape juice
We even pulled out the china for the first time with the boys. Isaac looked at me flabbergasted and said, "I didn't know we had those dishes!" They really enjoyed having a fancy dinner with fancy goblets. :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a great Thanksgiving! I didn't take a single picture today!! So sad. It was so fun to see you guys last week. HOpefully over the years we'll be able to meet up again a few more times. Happy thanksgiving!!
p.s. I am seriously impressed with all the cooking you did!
Happy Thanksgiving to you dears too. Your extended family missed you terribly, but we are looking forward to seeing you before too much longer. Love you all!
Congratulations! We've pulled off a few Thanksgivings by ourselves so we know how much work that is. Sounds like you are all doing well! Sure miss those buys of yours!
Wow, I'm completely impressed! I was in charge of the turkey this year (we hosted the Hyde family) and I felt like it was a miracle we made it with just that!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Cute little brew of kidd-a-loos you've got there! :) I've always wondered what it would be like to spend a holiday all by our lonesomes. That prayer totally cracks me up!
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