Thursday, March 27, 2008

The absolute coolest birthday cake EVER!!!

Isaac's good friend Dane just had his 5th B-day party. This beautiful piece of artwork is his cake, homemade by his mom. Yes, every part of the cake is edible. The cake was made from homemade, Belgian chocolate cake with chocolate truffle in between each thin layer. Delicious! The head and appendages are sculpted out of a candy paste.
Just before Dane blew out the candles, Zion lit some alcohol in the dragon's mouth. I guess she wanted her to have one last fire-breathing hurrah before being slain to feed 20+ hungry children. Kudos to Zion for being on the very cool mom list and happy birthday to Dane.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Whipple Park Egg Hunt

Whipple Park has a traditional egg hunt the day before Easter. The whole thing only lasts about 5 minutes, with kids madly dashing to collect their eggs. It is like a bunch of dolphins darting into a pool of fish.

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Spring in on it's way.

On our egg hunt this morning, we found areas where the insulation from the leaves had caused the ice to melt underneath. I am so excited for Spring!!!
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Happy Easter

This morning we woke Isaac up to show him what the Bunny brought him. He looked sleepily at his loot, and without missing a beat said, "There is no Easter Bunny in the world, Mommy."
"Then where did the scooter come from?" I asked.
"I don't know . . . maybe Santa Claus, but he comes at Christmas."

Hope your Easter was as good as ours.

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what do you do on a cold March morning?

Our kids fashion their very own "rocket" to defend planet Earth and life as we know it.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

No story, just pics.

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Spring Break at Letchworth

We spent three days of our Spring break in a cabin at Letchworth. The weather was cold and muddy, but the ice formations and serenity was wonderful. Best of all, we had practically the entire park to ourselves!
Ahoy thar' Matey. Isaac manning the ship. This was probably more exciting than any of the falls for the kids.

This is my favorite pic from the trip. Isaac, Ash and Aukai at Upper Falls.

We hiked down to Lower Falls. The kids did great!

Middle Falls.
The second day of our trip, Isaac and I had a conversation that went something like this:
Isaac: "Mommy, I like coming camping with you."
Me: "I'm glad. I like camping with you too."
Isaac: "Oh, that makes me feel good inside."
A little bit of a Hallmark moment, but it really did make the whole trip worth it. :)
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Feelin' the Pyzam Blues

With Pyzam layouts becoming so popular, I am sure that none of you would even think of deleting your HTML code without first copying the HTML to your "links" and "counter" . . . obviously, the consequences would be devastating. The only person who would do such a silly thing would have to be a technotard trying to "switch things up" at 2:00 AM while her husband is out of town.
Apparently, I fall into the category of "technotard" and in the process have lost my list of favorite blog sites.
So . . . if you were one of my favorite blogs (you know who you are), please email me the link so I can begin rebuilding my "friendly blogging" list. Oh, and if you think you can wiggle your way out of my blogging life, rest assured . . . I WILL hunt you down.
For those of you who weren't on my favorites list, but think you SHOULD be, a short essay elaborating why you think your blog is worthy of such an honor must be included as part of the application process.
My Sincere Gratitude,

Monday, March 3, 2008

Maybe Winter's Not So Bad After All?

Several weeks back, we went ice skating on a pond near our apartment complex. The Dougherty's had an extra pair of skates Isaac's size, so he got in on the action as well. Aukai sacrificed by staying behind the camara the whole time.

Ashton sliding between my legs.

Ashton spent a lot of the time cruising around on my skates.

Trent showing Isaac the ropes.

After a few falls, Isaac donned his helmet and used a chair plus or minus Chesney for support.

Fiona pulling Ashton around on the sled. He had mixed feelings about the whole experience.