Sunday, January 3, 2010

Help Please

So . . . we (meaning Aukai) accidentally just bought 80 songs on e-music. This is great! Except . . . we have three days to pick out 80 songs and are both completely unhip to the current music scene. Any suggestions???? (classical music suggestions also appreciated)



Cami said...

Oooh, Fun! If they have anything by Jessie Clark Funk - she's my favorite! hmm, 80 songs!?! That would be hard! Good luck!

Holly said...

Diana Krall, she's great (jazz vocalist). Hez will love her. I am also out of the music scene these days, in fact I can't remember the last time I had music on. Parenthood does that I guess. :) Good luck!

Amberly said...

We've got our current playlist on our blog.... There might be something there you like! Good luck and have fun picking new music!

Nadia and Jeremy said...

classical? Holst is pretty much my favorite, especially The Planets. Radio Head's "In Rainbows" is great, and i've recently really liked Evanesence (kind of weird classical [piano] goth [kind of]) should check out, type in a song you know and love, then see what it suggests for you.