Thursday, January 28, 2010

6 ways to tell it is going to be a long night.

1. Your 3 year-old informs you that he has just pooped his pants.
2. You help him take off his pants, only to find he has diarrhea smeared down his legs and dripping on the floor. You throw away the underwear, wipe off his legs and begin filling the bath.
3. You run downstairs to throw the soiled outfit in the laundry when your five-year old yells that the bath water is overflowing. There are now 2 inches of water on the bathroom floor.
4. You use 3 beach towels to soak up the water and get the kids settled in the tub. You run downstairs and notice that there is now water dripping from your kitchen ceiling onto the linoleum floor.
5. You grab a towel to catch the dripping water in your kitchen and hear your 5 year old screaming, "Ooooo, DISGUSTING!"
6. You run upstairs to find two dripping boys out of the tub and frothy diarrhea floating in the tub.

What is your next move?
A. Tell your 5 year old to get his brother ready for bed.
B. Throw the kids into the washing machine with the outfit.
C. Spray the kids down with Lysol, throw on their pajamas and kiss them goodnight.
D. Calmly remind your poop-o-phobic husband that it is time for your yoga class.

I picked choice "D".


The Hedges said...

Oh motherhood. That's one of the worst stories EVER! I noticed that "Die on the Spot" wasn't an option, but that's probably what I would have done.

Anna said...

Oh honey, I hope that had nothing to do with what we ate last night...Oh wait, that was two nights ago. I had no idea. You are one capable mom!

Cami said...

Wow! Crazy fun! You had me seriously laughing out loud! Thanks!! That's a total bummer (no *pun* intended) and the stories of motherhood can be amazingly outrageous. . . Thanks for sharing. You guys are awesome!