Sunday, December 14, 2008


1. Ashton is such a ham. Recently he has become enamored with his brother's age-appropriate obsession with super-heroes and guns. (Part of that deaing with vulnerability stage.) Ashton doesn't really understand what words like "shoot" and "kill" really mean, but he does understand that they make him feel cool and tough. In keeping with this, he has adopted a toy hockey stick as his "killer gun." Last night he insisted on sleeping with it, with the resultant conversation:

Ashton, eyebrows furrowed in the toughest voice he can muster: "Mom, I shoot de de reindeer." (We had just been singing "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer".)
Me: "The reindeer? But how will Santa get around?"
Ashton: "Santa da de hit Isaac." (Ashton always has 2-4 fragmented "words" thrown into his sentences to make them seem longer.)
Me: "Oh, Ashton, no he didn't. Santa wants to bring you a toy for Christmas, and he needs his reindeer to get around."
Ashton, with a big smile and sheepish chuckle: "Oh.!?!"
*Translation: You should have said so sooner. Such a noble cause certainly deserves exemption from my violent tendencies, even if Santa did hit my brother.*

2. I have been toying with the idea of potty training Ashton. As part of this, I had him sit on the potty last night. He sat for a minute, began shaking himself, looked up at me in frustration, pointied to his penis and exclaimed, "It not working!?!"
This morning I thought we'd give it another try when we first woke up. He was avid that he didn't want to go potty reminding me in a less-than-polite way that "It not work!"
However, much to his delight he was able to go potty within the first minute of sitting on the potty. He looked at me, delighted, and exclaimed, "IT WORKS!" I can only imagine the relief he must feel, after watching his brother and daddy go potty, that his penis too "works."

1 comment:

Henderson said...

Okay, that's really really funny.