Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ashton pics, and my incredibly talented twin sister.

For those of you who don't know, I have a fraternal twin sister who lives just outside of Salt Lake. When I say "fraternal," I mean that in almost every way. Right now I am thinking about how she is crafty, serendipitous and an excellent entrepreneur. In the past year, she has worked as a "stamping it up" sales associate, created a blog for a local paper company, and opened a photo studio out of her back room. All this while raising twin toddlers of her own. (Yes, she deserves the "make us all feel crumby about how little we accomplish" award.)

Last week, my boys went to play at "Aunt Howy's House," and in a 5 minute oasis where only Ashton was awake, she took a couple beautiful portraits. Now, I could have made life easy and simply posted the portraits themselves, but then I realized that this was my opportunity to blatantly advertise for her. So instead, I included the link to her photography blog. Enjoy!

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