OK, so my med school class is having a back to the 90's party, and just out of curiosity I did an Internet search on what "90's" clothes were supposed to look like. I WAS TOTALLY OFFENDED! Somehow, all of the worst trends I associate with the 80's have been assimilated into stereotypical "90's" wear. Granted I graduated in '99, so I was on the late end of the decade, but still.
So I thought I'd turn the question to you all. Which of the following trends do you associate with the 80's and which are truly from the 90's?
-Big bangs, preferably cemented with aqua hairspray.
-Baggy pants
-Hammer pants
-Bright, fluorescent colors
-Those ring things to cinch up the side of a baggy t-shirt
-Hemp jewelry
-Belly shirts
-Hoop earrings
-Long, loose shirts
-Tight, small shirts
-Flannel, preferably tied around the waist
-Stirrup pants
-Tube socks
-Sunflower hats
-High-wasted pants
-Vests over body suits (leotards)
-Layered hair
-Saved by the Bell fashion
-90210 fashion
-Clueless fashion
I'm excited to hear your thoughts. :)
Couldn't resist. I think I'm a little younger than you, but I distinctly remember some of these styles, although some of them might be a little borderline ('89-'90).
Big bangs (had these in the mid-late '90s.)
Fluorescent colors
Belly shirts (on guys, usually see-through)
T-shirt rings (never had those, but I remember tying knots)
Flannel and leggings (guilty of both)
Layered Hair
Tube socks (I remember seeing these layered, as many as three per foot, on a foot mannequin)
Kind of funny to remember that stuff.
I think all those trends were rocked in the 90's. Got to remember that we were 9 when the 90's came around so any fashion we being worn from 3rd grade on counts. Go and look through your jr. high and high school yearbook again, I think half the girls in our graduating class were still sporting big bangs. (Luckily you had finally given yours up by then.) ;)
Of those, I vote for baggy pants (must be worn below the waist, must be of the kind that no belt can have any hope of retaining around your waist, and must be paired with boxers), Hammer pants, overalls (as fashion, not as functional wear), grunge, flannel, and possibly belly shirts and hemp jewelry (niche item). The rest I remember seeing in the '80s. Except possibly Clueless, which I suppose came out in the '90s, but I never saw anyone dress like that in real life.
And don't forget $130+ Z.Cavaricci jeans, jams, B.U.M. Equipment, and shirts with see-through sleeves/back/belly. '90s staples. (Though I suppose some of those could have showed up in the '80s.)
If I remember it from elementary school, it's definitely from the '80s. If I didn't see it until middle school, it's probably from the '90s, or else I just didn't notice it during the '80s. I think a lot of these trends hit different parts of the country at different times, so there may be a lot of variation in what people remember.
So I guess I should leave my own thoughts.
To Amberly and Holly, I think that unfortunately things like shirt rings, fluorescent colors, tube socks and stirrup pants crept into the early 90's as a dying 80's style, but I would not call them quintessential 90's wear.
What I remember in the 90's?
Colors: Burgandy, plum and forest green.
Hair: Straight with intense layers and whispy bangs styled over a large-barrelled curling iron (as opposed to the thick, huge, curly bangs of the 80's)
Shoes: DOC MARTINS! Oh, and there were a few years where it was cool to wear socks under leather sandles.
Girls: Tight, short shirts/body suits. Overalls (preferrably with one side unclipped), sunflowers, vests, hemp jewelry, flannel, sweater vests, cargo pants, poet blouses.
Guys: Baggy saggy pants, preferrably with boxers flowing over the top, oversized tees or polo shirts, braided belts, hats turned to the side, grunge.
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