Friday, October 30, 2009

Thanks Heather

I found this blog courtesy of Heather Rigby, courtesy of Wendy Jones, courtesy of I haven't the foggiest whom. It made my day. If you are in the mood for some good old fashioned sarcasm and sacrilege, click here: If sacrilege really isn't your thing, I suggest


BrianJ said...

"If you are in the mood for some good old fashioned sarcasm and sacrilege, click here: If sacrilege really isn't your thing, I suggest"

Wait, so if I want both sarcasm and sacrilege then I go to MyRegisBlog, but if I want just the sarcasm then I go to

Heather Jewell said...

Brian you crack me up.
Heather, what a great time you guys had in New York. I am so glad you all were able to take a vacation together, you worked so hard this last year.

hez said...

Wait, so you mean that whole 'keep the commandments' thing wasn't sarcasm?!?! Shoot! I have some serious repenting to do.