Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Intern Blues

What do you get when you combine nursing with intern year?

Apparently, it's shingles and strep throat . . . at the same time! The irony is that of the many common communicable diseases and rashes, Strep is the only one that I don't remember being exposed to recently. And you don't "catch" shingles.

12 hours on antibiotics and my T is still 100.5 on tylenol. (101 is a "true" fever.) Oh well. At least my tonsils are somewhat recognizable. :)


Amberly said...

How miserable! Get better, Sweetie! And say hi to that family of yours. We had pulled pork for dinner Sunday (the crockpot variety). It wasn't awful (we splurged on some dinosaur bbq sauce), but it did induce Beau to declare how much he misses Aukai! :)

Cassandra said...

Oh, I am so sorry you are not doing well. I had the shingles when I was around your age and they are no fun. Somewhere I heard stress can bring them on. You are not under any stress are you!!!!!!!! :(
Take care and lots of love to all.

Rosemary said...

Oh, Heather! What a miserable combination! I hope that both clear up very soon Love you!

Heather Jewell said...

Poor thing! No fair having both at the same time.