Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dino Diddy

Isaac was very spoiled for Christmas (courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa, of course) and one of his favorite toys was a large, blow-up Tyrannosaurus Rex. The thing stands about 4 1/2 feet tall, and its ferocious smile and large claws have struck terror into many three-year-old hearts. That is, until we show them that one three-year-old kick can send the monster across the room . . . then they begin jumping on the poor thing to prove how tough they really are. Not many three-year-olds can say they have licked a 4 foot dinosaur.

Along with blowing off testosterone, Isaac loves to use T-Rex for more benign play like showcasing it with his many other dino toys as the centerpiece of his "dinosaur museum." But the best dino experience we've had came last Friday. Aukai and I came home from celebrating our 5th year anniversary (yes, that's 5 years!), to have our baby-sitters report that Isaac was gently helping the "T-Rex mommy" give a smaller, stuffed T-Rex baby "Mommy's milk." Apparently, he knows more about nursing than most of my med school classmates. I just about died laughing and congratulated Isaac on being so thoughtful. I didn't have the heart to tell him that a nurturing mommy T-Rex, if one did exist, would be more likely to feed her baby Little Foot than "Mommy's milk."


hez said...

This one is for you Holls. :)

Holly said...

Thanks for posting! Us Auntie's need to hear the updates in our cute little nephews lives! :)

Nadia and Jeremy said...

um, heather, marsupials and T-Rexs' didn't live at the same time. =)

hez said...

Yes Nadia, I know. But it sounded so much better to use something cuddly than, say, a brachiosaurus!! On the other hand, I am sure that if a mommy t-rex had the choice she would choose the marsupial over the milk, so the statement still holds true.
That being said, t-Rex didn't "disembowel" its prey anyway. SO in the name of paleontological correctness, I will change the wording . . . just for you. :) Thanks for the careful read.