Friday, October 3, 2008

Why I fear for my amphibious neighbors . . .

It has recently been brought to my attention that terror has struck the brave frogs and toads who have taken up residence at Whipple Park. Truly leaders among their froggy kingdom, these spring-legged heroes are frequently abducted, held hostage in jars and buckets on tricycles, poked, prodded and squeezed. The worst part? Bystanders not only fail to intervene; they encourage such ruthless crimes by posting pictures on their blogs to "brag" about "how cute" the perpetrators are. In the name of toadanity and froggy rights, I propose that such acts be stopped immediately. Please spend a few moments to appreciate the following pieces of evidence:

Due to the intense cold, these prisoners did not have the metabolic means to jump free, despite the apparent open hand. Such images create the deception that these green citizens are content with the current state of affairs.

Do not be deceived by the sweet smile and pale blue eyes of this boy. Note the small froggy hostage in his left hand.

This picture carried the blatently inappropriate label "He's such a cutie."

This perpetrator takes the stance of a super-hero, apparently a frequent game of the oppressing state.

Inspecting their next victim . . .

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Amberly said...

Cute! Josh is terrified of our little green friends, but it appears that your boys are on quite friendly terms! What fun!

Holly said...

Oh, that gave me a good chuckle! Man those boys are getting so big, can't wait to see them this Christmas! It's been ridiculously long.

Rosemary said...

Precious little boys! They were always very gentle with and awed by those little creatures, and I can tell from the pictures that they still are. I love them and miss them (and you!) so darn much!

Auntie Ann said...

I haven't seen a frog in a long time. We used to love to catch them. Oops, I am not being properly indignant. How can those parents let their children capture those poor creatures? Was that good enough?

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