Sunday, November 25, 2007

Attention Children's Book Fans

It is an awesome thing going to the bookstore and library. There are aisles upon aisles of books and not nearly enough time to dig in and find the few that are actually worth buying. For unsavvy shoppers like myself this is a problem. Thus, I am trying to compile a children's book list of "favorites." I am a big fan of David Shannon's books, the dinosaur book series, and of course classics like Dr. Seuss and Harold and the Purple Crayon. If you have any suggestions for books, new or old, that can stimulate little imaginations, please leave a post.



Auntie Ann said...

We loved Mercer Mayer books (Little Monster, Little Critter). There was always a mouse or a spider and cricket to find on every page. David grew up on those, so that might not be a great recommendation :)

Nadia and Jeremy said...

Mmmmm...books! Ravi's favorite book right now is "Pizza Pat" or as he calls it, "Pat Bought". It's kind of like "The House that Jack Bought" but it's about Pat who makes a pizza, and the pizza is stolen by the mice. It's great, we love it. Beckham loves the Berenstain Bears right now. My only complaint about those is they get a bit wordy, and when he asks me to read him 10, I feel a bit overwhelmed. But I shouldn't complain when my kid wants to read books, right? Ravi also loves any nursery rhyme books, or song books. Another one I love is called "The Owl and the Pussycat" by Edward Lear, illustrated by Jan Brett. It's actually an old poem, but the illustrations are really great. A good counting book is "One Hungry Monster" by Susan O'Keefe. Is that enough for you? I'll let you know some more when I think of some.

Heather Jewell said...

You have to include "Nightmare in my Closet." Maybe this can help Issac know where Hinkley came from.

Aukai said...

If anyone else is interested, here is a link to a list that Trent compiled:

Anonymous said...

oh! oh! i've never done this before adn i think i may have figured it out. hopefully this works. one of my favorites is where the wild things are, as well as the berenstein bears. parts is a good one, never talk to stangers, um...little critter, of course, if you give a mouse (or any of the other animals) a cookie (or whatever the other animals want,) wow, so many. find the kitty, find the puppy, the house at pooh corner (though that's more old kids, not a lot of pictures.) if we think of any others, oh, the froggy books. melissa says to just go to the local elementary school and ask for a book order.

wendyrr said...

Our all-time favorite book is called, That Pesky Rat. It is very well written and very clever. You must read it and give each character a different voice. Brian does a great job with this. I never get tired of reading this one.

Arianna said...

Curious George was a favorite at our house. Jan Brett has some great little books that have their own mini story going on in the wonderfully illustrated borders.
I am a children's book fanatic so e-mail me for more ideas Ü

Mrs. Cropper said...

Hey, this is so random. See if you can remember this. I'm Rebecca's Rampton's sister-in-law, and I met you guys at the Medford airport when you were first headed to NY. I stumbled upon your blog from Rebecca's, and was excited to see that David Shannon picture. He's one of my faves, too. I used to teach school and have a children's book blog. It's

hez said...

A big thanks to Mrs. Cropper. :) It was good to hear from you again . . . and get to know you a little better. What a small world. Thanks for all the great suggestions. I am compiling a list on excel, which, thus far, is mostly based on your suggestions.